In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 43 and 44.
In preparation for the QA-wide demonstration of Mozmill-CI, Henrik reorganized our documentation to allow everyone a simple local setup of the tool. Along that we did the remaining deployment of latest code to our production instance.
Henrik also worked on the upgrade of Jenkins to latest LTS version 1.565.3, and we were able to push this upgrade to our staging instance for observation. Further he got the Pulse Guardian support implemented.
Mozmill 2.0.9 and Mozmill-Automation 2.0.9 have been released, and if you are curious what is included you want to check this post.
One of our major goals over the next 2 quarters is to replace Mozmill as test framework for our functional tests for Firefox with Marionette. Together with the A-Team Henrik got started on the initial work, which is currently covered in the firefox-greenlight-tests repository. More to come later…
Beside all that work we have to say good bye to one of our SoftVision team members.October the 29th was the last day for Daniel on the project. So thank’s for all your work!
Individual Updates
For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad for week 43 and week 44.
Meeting Details
If you are interested in further details and discussions you might also want to have a look at the meeting agenda, the video recording, and notes from the Firefox Automation meetings of week 43 and week 44.