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Tag: ci

Review of Firefox desktop automation work – Q1 2016

Today is the last day of Q1 2016 which means time to review what I have done during all those last weeks. When I checked my status reports it’s kinda lot, so I will shorten it a bit and only talk about the really important changes. Build System / Mozharness After I had to dig into mozharness to get support for Firefox UI Tests during last quarter I have seen that more work had to be done to fully support tests which utilize Nightly or Release builds of Firefox. TheContinue readingReview of Firefox desktop automation work – Q1 2016

Firefox Desktop automation goals Q1 2016

As promised in my last blog posts I don’t want to only blog about the goals from last quarters, but also about planned work and what’s currently in progress. So this post will be the first one which will shed some light into my active work. First lets get started with my goals for this quarter. Execute firefox-ui-tests in TaskCluster Now that our tests are located in mozilla-central, mozilla-aurora, and mozilla-beta we want to see them run on a check-in basis including try. Usually you will setup Buildbot jobs toContinue readingFirefox Desktop automation goals Q1 2016

Review of automation work – Q4 2015

The last quarter of 2015 is gone and its time to reflect what happened in Q4. In the following you will find a full overview again for the whole quarter. It will be the last time that I will do that. From now on I will post in shorter intervals to specific topics instead of covering everything. This was actually a wish from our latest automation survey which I want to implement now. I hope you will like it. So during the last quarter my focus was completely on gettingContinue readingReview of automation work – Q4 2015

Firefox Automation report – Q2 2015

It’s been a while since I wrote my last Firefox automation report, so lets do another one to wrap up everything happened in Q2 this year. As you may remember from my last report the team has been cut down to only myself, and beside that I was away the whole April. Means only 2 months worth of work will be covered this time. In general it was a tough quarter for me. Working alone and having to maintain all of our infrastructure and keeping both of our tests (MozmillContinue readingFirefox Automation report – Q2 2015

Firefox Automation report – week 51/52 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 51 and 52 of 2014. I’m sorry for this very late post but changes to our team, which I will get to in my next upcoming post, caught me up with lots of more work and didn’t give me the time for writing status reports. Highlights Henrik started work towards a Mozmill 2.1 release. Therefore he had to upgrade a couple of mozbase packages first to get latest Mozmill code onContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 51/52 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 47/48 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 47 and 48. Highlights Most of the work during those two weeks made by myself were related to get [Jenkins]( upgraded on our Mozmill CI systems to the most recent LTS version 1.580.1. This was a somewhat critical task given the huge number of issue as mentioned in my last Firefox Automation report. On November 17th we were finally able to get all the code changes landed on our production machineContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 47/48 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 45/46 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 45 and 46. Highlights In our Mozmill-CI environment we had a couple of frozen Windows machines, which were running with 100% CPU load and 0MB of memory used. Those values came from the vSphere client, and didn’t give us that much information. Henrik checked the affected machines after a reboot, and none of them had any suspicious entries in the event viewer either. But he noticed that most of our VMsContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 45/46 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 43/44 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 43 and 44. Highlights In preparation for the QA-wide demonstration of Mozmill-CI, Henrik reorganized our documentation to allow everyone a simple local setup of the tool. Along that we did the remaining deployment of latest code to our production instance. Henrik also worked on the upgrade of Jenkins to latest LTS version 1.565.3, and we were able to push this upgrade to our staging instance for observation. Further he got theContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 43/44 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 41/42 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 41 and 42. With the beginning of October we also have some minor changes in responsibilities of tasks. While our team members from SoftVision mainly care about any kind of Mozmill tests related requests and related CI failures, Henrik is doing all the rest including the framework and the maintenance of Mozmill CI. Highlights With the support for all locales testing in Mozmill-CI for any Firefox beta and final release, AndreeaContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 41/42 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 39/40 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 39 and 40. Highlights One of our goals for last quarter was to get locale testing enabled in Mozmill-CI for each and every supported locale of Firefox beta and release builds. So Cosmin investigated the timing and other possible side-effects, which could happen when you test about 90 locales across all platforms! The biggest change we had to do was for the retention policy of logs from executed builds due toContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 39/40 2014

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