In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 41 and 42.
With the beginning of October we also have some minor changes in responsibilities of tasks. While our team members from SoftVision mainly care about any kind of Mozmill tests related requests and related CI failures, Henrik is doing all the rest including the framework and the maintenance of Mozmill CI.
With the support for all locales testing in Mozmill-CI for any Firefox beta and final release, Andreea finished her blacklist patch. With that we can easily mark locales not to be tested, and get rid of the long white-list entries.
We spun up our first OS X 10.10 machine in our staging environment of Mozmill CI for testing the new OS version. We hit a couple of issues, especially some incompatibilities with mozrunner, which need to be fixed first before we can get started in running our tests on 10.10.
In the second week of October Teodor Druta joined the Softvision team, and he will assist all the others with working on Mozmill tests.
But we also had to fight a lot with Flash crashes on our testing machines. So we have seen about 23 crashes on Windows machines per day. And that all with the regular release version of Flash, which we re-installed because of a crash we have seen before was fixed. But the healthy period did resist long, and we had to revert back to the debug version without the protect mode. Lets see for how long we have to keep the debug version active.
Individual Updates
For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad for week 41 and week 42.
Meeting Details
If you are interested in further details and discussions you might also want to have a look at the meeting agenda, the video recording, and notes from the Firefox Automation meetings of week 41 and week 42.