Example in how to investigate CPU spikes in Firefox
This post describes how a particular CPU spike as seen by using Firefox can be investigated by using various tools from the operating system and Firefox DevTools itself. …
Mozilla, Photography, and the Daily Life
This post describes how a particular CPU spike as seen by using Firefox can be investigated by using various tools from the operating system and Firefox DevTools itself. …
When you are using Selenium and geckodriver to automate your tests in Firefox you might see a behavior change with Firefox 58 when using the commands Element Click or Element Send Keys. For both commands we have enabled the interactability checks by default now. That means that if such an operation has to be performed for any kind of element it will be checked first, if a click on it or sending keys to it would work from a normal user perspective at all. If not a not-interactable error will
Interacting with insecure SSL pages (eg. self-signed) in an automated test written for Selenium is an important feature. Especially when tests are getting run against locally served test pages. Under those circumstances you might never get fully secured websites served to the browser instance under test. To still allow running your tests with a successful test result, Selenium can instruct the browser to ignore the validity check, which will simply browse to the specified site without bringing up the SSL error page. Since the default driver for Firefox was switched
Hello from Platforms Operations! Once a month we highlight one of our projects to help the Mozilla community discover a useful tool or an interesting contribution opportunity. This month’s project is firefox-ui-tests! What are firefox-ui-tests? Firefox UI tests are a test suite for integration tests which are based on the Marionette automation framework and are majorly used for user interface centric testing of Firefox. The difference to pure Marionette tests is, that Firefox UI tests are interacting with the chrome scope (browser interface) and not content scope (websites) by default.
Today is the last day of Q1 2016 which means time to review what I have done during all those last weeks. When I checked my status reports it’s kinda lot, so I will shorten it a bit and only talk about the really important changes. Build System / Mozharness After I had to dig into mozharness to get support for Firefox UI Tests during last quarter I have seen that more work had to be done to fully support tests which utilize Nightly or Release builds of Firefox. The
Within the Firefox Automation team we were suffering a bit in sharing information about our work over the last couple of months. That mainly happened because I was alone and not able to blog more often than once in a quarter. The same applies to our dev-automation mailing list which mostly only received emails from Travis CI with testing results. Given that the team has been increased to 4 people now (beside me this is Maja Frydrychowicz, Syd Polk, and David Burns, we want to be more open again and
As you may have noticed I was not able to come up with status reports of the Firefox Automation team during the whole last quarter. I feel sad about it, but there was simply no time to keep up with those blog posts. Even now I’m not sure how often I will be able to blog. So maybe I will aim to do it at least once a quarter or if possible once a month. You may ask how it comes? The answer is simple. Our team faced some changes
In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 51 and 52 of 2014. I’m sorry for this very late post but changes to our team, which I will get to in my next upcoming post, caught me up with lots of more work and didn’t give me the time for writing status reports. Highlights Henrik started work towards a Mozmill 2.1 release. Therefore he had to upgrade a couple of mozbase packages first to get latest Mozmill code on
In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 49 and 50. Highlights During the first week of December the all-hands work week happened in Portland. Those were some great and inspiring days, full of talks, discussions, and conversations about various things. Given that I do not see my colleagues that often in real life, I have taken this opportunity to talk to everyone who is partly or fully involved in projects of our automation team. There are various big
In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 43 and 44. Highlights In preparation for the QA-wide demonstration of Mozmill-CI, Henrik reorganized our documentation to allow everyone a simple local setup of the tool. Along that we did the remaining deployment of latest code to our production instance. Henrik also worked on the upgrade of Jenkins to latest LTS version 1.565.3, and we were able to push this upgrade to our staging instance for observation. Further he got the
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