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Category: Photography

Phototour in the Napa Valley

During my stay the Silicon Valley I haven’t only had a great day in San Francisco but also spent a day in the famous whine region of California called Napa Valley. Together with my co-worker Marcia we were driven up those 100 miles to mainly take pictures of the blooming mustard. The day was absolutely sunny but sadly we haven’t had luck to see lot of mustard. We were a bit too late or too early. But beside that we got a lot of impressions and enjoyed taking pictures. IContinue readingPhototour in the Napa Valley

Photo challenge – please vote for us

Some weeks ago a friend of mine pointed me to an upcoming photo challenge about image manipulation created. It has been initiated by the biggest German computer magazine c’t. My first thought was to attend this challenge but I recognized that I don’t have any great images on my box and no time to work on that. But surprisingly a friend was visiting me over those days and we had some great shots in the Saxon Switzerland. Given those pictures Silvia made a fake image in parallel without knowing aboutContinue readingPhoto challenge – please vote for us

17 Miles Drive

In February I got a hint from a colleague of mine to visit the Pebble Beach Resorts. This peninsula is mostly know by golfers and a place for rich people. But also has some scenic areas you can visit as tourist. There is a street routed through the whole area which is called the 17 Miles Drive. So I picked up Marcia in the morning and we were driven to that area with my rental car. It is about 100 miles in the South from Mountain View (California). We haven’tContinue reading17 Miles Drive

Visting the Golden Gate Bridge

Due to my new job I had to spent a whole month in California last February. I already blogged about it shortly. It was a great experience for me. Thanks to all my colleagues who made it a wonderful stay! Mozilla rocks! Beside the work and the bad weather I have taken one day to visit San Francisco. Together with Tobias Leingruber we checked the area around Pier 39, the Bay coast, and finally the Golden Gate Bridge. I’m impressed each time I see those bridges and have to thinkContinue readingVisting the Golden Gate Bridge

Photo Gallery updates

Ok, it’s already a while back when I have updated my photoblog the last time. The reason was that the tool I used needs a lot of manual operations until a picture is visible in the blog. I don’t have time for that and simply wanna have an easy way to publish new pictures. So my decision was to switch over to Flickr. That’s the easiest way for me to publish pictures directly from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with the Flickr export plugin. It’s a one click action now and willContinue readingPhoto Gallery updates

Build your own Camera Stablilizer

Who doesn’t know such a situation. It’s a wonderful day outside and you grab the camera to do some nice landscape shots. You are fascinated by the nature that you forget the time. It’s getting darker outside and now you realize that you have forgotten the tripod. So what are you doing now? It’s just simple. Watch the video and you will see how you can build your own stabilizer with easiness. $1 Image Stabilizer For Any Camera – Lose The Tripod – The most popular videos are a clickContinue readingBuild your own Camera Stablilizer

New photoblog online

Starting from today my website has its own photoblog. After month of inactivity in updating my gallery with new pictures I decided to have a better and more comfortable way of publishing. To find the right tool which gives me all features I want to have wasn’t an easy job. I tried a lot of them but wasn’t satisfied at all. Thanks to Manuel who has given me the note to have a look at pixelpost. Within some days of work in modifying existing themes I found my favorite deliciousContinue readingNew photoblog online

Bitte nicht füttern…

Mmh schade, hatte nichts dabei. Mit was hättet denn Ihr diesen hungrigen Weidezaun gefüttert? 😉 Update: Kann es sein, dass das Wort König nicht mehr draufgepasst hat? Denn das Füttern eines Zaunkönigs auf der Elektroweide könnt ich mir eher vorstellen…


Bereits Mitte letztes Jahr bin ich auf den finnischen Künstler Miklos Gaál aufmerksam geworden, der es mit geschicktem Einsatz von Unschärfe schafft, alltägliche Situationen auf beeindruckende Weise wie Spielzeugwelten aussehen zu lassen. Ich war schon damals von dieser Idee fasziniert und musste es jetzt selbst versuchen. Es macht wirklich Spaß, die Unschärfebereiche so zu setzen, dass ein Gefühl von minimaler Schärfentiefe wie bei der Makrofotografie entsteht. Das folgende Bild zeigt einen Sonntagsausflug auf eine Burg: Eine weitere tolle Idee ist auch die Kopplung von kleinen Figuren und Lebensmitteln, wie aufContinue readingSpielzeugwelten

Fotogalerie Bad Wimpfen

Dass Bad Wimpfen nicht nur für ältere Menschen als Kurort interessant ist, sondern auch für alle, die historische Städte, Burgen und Fachwerkhäuser lieben, sollen die folgenden Bilder in der Galerie zeigen. Speziell Fotografen sollten wohl einen ganzen Tag einplanen, denn an jeder Ecke wird man von wunderbaren Aussichten aufgehalten. Aber schaut selbst…

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