It’s getting closer to Christmas. So here the 2nd last automation development report for 2013. Also please note that all team members including myself, who were dedicated to Firefox Desktop automation, have been transitioned back from the A-Team into the Mozilla QA team. This will enable us to have a better relationship with QA feature owners, and get them trained for writing automated tests for Firefox. Therefor my posts will be named “Firefox Automation” in the future.
With the latest release of Firefox 26.0 a couple of merges in our mozmill-tests repository had to be done. Work involved here was all done by Andreea and Andrei on bug 945708
To get rid of failed attempts to remove files after a testrun with Mozmill, Henrik was working on a new version of mozfile, which includes a method called remove() now. It should be used by any code given that it tries multiple times to remove files or directories if access is getting denied on Windows systems.
We released Mozmill 2.0.2 with a couple of minor fixes and the above mentioned file removal fixes. Beside that mozmill-automation 2.0.2 and new mozmill-environments have been released.
We are still working on the remaining issues with Mozmill 2.0 and are hoping to get them fixed as soon as possible. So that an upgrade to the 2.0.x branch can happen.
Individual Updates
For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad for week 49 and week 50.
Meeting Details
If you are interested in further details and discussions you might also want to have a look at the meeting agenda and notes from the last two Automation Development meetings of week 49 and week 50.
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013,
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013 – #mozilla #mozillians mozilla
[moz] Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013: It’s getting closer to Christmas. So here the …