Last week was a really productive week, when we look over the accomplished tasks. Across different test frameworks and tools we got a lot done. Especially the mozdownload project raises interests by even more people, who want to help with their own contribution. Thank you all who were involved!
To appreciate all the hard work done by Johannes Vogel on the mozdownload project we promoted him to the reviewer status. With this recognition he is now able to help us driving this project forward with a faster pace by doing code reviews. A delicacy was also his patch for getting the long outstanding test infrastructure working for mozdownload. It landed last week, and gave Dave Hunt the opportunity to get Travis CI support added.
Over the past couple of Firefox branch merges we experienced troubles with our Mozmill tests execution within mozmill-ci. This was caused by a bug in one of the plugins in use, which only checks the default branch of a Mercury repository for changes, but not any other named branch. Henrik Skupin landed a workaround as an interim solution, which replaced the SCM trigger with a timed trigger in Jenkins. Now the CI is checking for updates each 5 minutes. For details please also see his post on the mailing list.
Further Henrik was able to finish off his patch for pulsetranslator on bug 857980. With it in place it let us send out individual normalized Pulse notifications for beta and release candidate builds produced by repack jobs. As result individual locales beside en-US can be tested with mozmill-ci now. Step by step our team will constantly increase the number of locales to test over the curse of the next few weeks. For details and a follow-up discussion please check the thread on the mailing list.
To stay on top of running our Mozmill tests on the latest OS versions, Henrik added 6 new Ubuntu 13.04 nodes to our CI cluster. Three of them are running a 32bit version while the other three have 64bit installed. Most likely as of today we will remove the Ubuntu 12.10 machines from the cluster.
Sadly we are still scratching our head around the current problems with Windows 8.1 preview release. Due to issues with the LoginManager we most likely see our nodes getting disconnected when an user is logging into such a machine via VNC. The failure thrown doesn’t seem to be that known yet, so fixing the problem and bringing those nodes online will not happen soon. If anyone has ideas what it could be, please let us know!
Thanks to our automation members from the Softvision team (Andreea Matei, Andrei Eftimie, Mario Garbi, and Cosmin Malutan) we were able to close out 4 of our existing mozmill-test failures and also got 2 enhancements landed for Mozmill 2.0.
Last but not least we want to thank Johannes for his contribution on the mozmill-dashboard project. With one of his latest patches it’s now possible to correctly bookmark our individual dashboard instances with unique bookmark names.
Individual Updates
For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad.
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 34 2013,
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report – week 34 2013