Starting from today, the Automation Development team wants to publish weekly reports about the work happened in the previous week. Reason is that similar to other groups we want to offer everyone more insight into our projects, and that we might find even more community members who are interested to help us and learn new stuff at the same time. If you have comments or proposals to the style and contents please let us know.
Beginning of last week we promoted Andrei Eftimie, who is working for our team as a Softvision contractor from Romania, as peer for our Mozmill Tests repository. That happens in regard of all his contribution in the last couple of months. So if you are looking for a reviewer of your patch, you can flag him from now on. Congratulations again.
Dave Hunt got the performance tests running on the “Leo” devices now. Those are testing the cold load times and fps of the applications under test.
Over the past couple of weeks we detected a lot of application disconnects while running the Mozmill tests for Firefox under the Mozmill-CI system. As it has been turned out notifications (bubbles) from application updates could be the problem, and especially the new update overlay screen for Windows 8 updates. The latter completely blocked our testing. So Henrik Skupin re-configured all existing nodes and templates by disabling any automatic update checks (Bug 900860). Since that has been done, no further application disconnects have been observed. Lets cross the fingers that this will stay that way!
We noticed a massive disconnect of slave nodes in our Mozmill-CI cluster early last week. At the same time the response time of our Jenkins master was drastically slow. Henrik investigated the problem and identified that our current VM is not able to handle the memory load with 2GB of memory. So we increased the memory to 4GB, which indeed stopped the swapping process of consuming about 60% cpu load nearly all the time. Henrik will continue to watch the current memory consumption over the next weeks. Further we will upgrade our Jenkins installation to the latest LTS version soon, once all blockers are fixed.
Individual Updates
For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad.
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report week 33 2013
Henrik Skupin: Automation Development report week 33 2013,