Today the builds for the new rapid release cycle have been pushed. With this change we have to update some of our automation tools and the way how we operate with the mozmill-tests repository. The following changes
coming into effect by now:
- We have two new named branches:
- aurora for builds on the Aurora channel
- beta for builds on the Beta channel
- From now on new Mozmill tests will be first checked into the aurora branch. The reason is because we want to have our new tests stable, and there will be too many changes happening for Nightly builds which could cause our tests to fail. Whenever a merge for Firefox happens we will do the same for our new tests. That means we merge all changes from aurora to default. That way we can ensure to test all new features from the last Firefox release in Nightly builds on a daily basis. The same strategy will apply to the beta channel, which we will merge all the tests into once a merge for Firefox happened.
- There will be situations which will cause us to check-in new tests on default first, but those should be really rarely and we will handle it on a case-by-case basis.
That’s why please take care that you always work on the aurora branch when you create new Mozmill tests.
Any questions or proposals? Feel free to ask.