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Tag: Mozilla

Weekly “Ask an Expert” Q&A sessions for Test Automation

As you might have noticed in the last couple of months a group of people inside the Automation and Tools Team (A-Team) have been formed to help in making the automation expertise better at Mozilla. We are known as the Automation Development team and currently consists of Dave Hunt, Rob Wood, and myself. If you haven’t met us yet or even never heard our names, please check our team member section where we offer some more information about us and nice pictures. Better now? 🙂 At Mozilla we have dozenContinue readingWeekly “Ask an Expert” Q&A sessions for Test Automation

Mozmill Crowd 0.1.5 released

Yesterday we had to release Mozmill Crowd 0.1.5 due to changes in our reporting infrastructure. Given the fallout of one of our servers our Mozmill Dashboard is now located at This move needed an update of the default report URL. Now you can send reports of your test results again. We have to admit that not much work happened on the extension in the last couple of months. Reasons are mostly other important projects and mainly the development of the new pre-configured environment for Mozmill. There are still someContinue readingMozmill Crowd 0.1.5 released

Mozmill Crowd 0.1.4 released

To help the team around the Memshrink project Mozilla QA Automation Services has released Mozmill Crowd 0.1.4. In this version the only changes which affect the extension itself are additions for the Endurance test-run, which allow users to specify the number of entities and if Firefox has to be restarted in-between each test. We also have moved our Mozmill environments for all platforms from my own Mozilla people account to a new secure location on In the future please always use this new location to grab the latest versionContinue readingMozmill Crowd 0.1.4 released

New Automation Services mailing list and newsgroup

As part of the discussions during our QA Automation Services work week end of July, we have decided to be more open to the public. We have seen that in the past mostly all conversations regarding tools, tasks, and status updates happened on our internal mailing list, which is not accessible by any of our contributors. Well, that’s counter-productive because we have dozens of smart and awesome community members out there who probably want to help and learn the techniques in automated testing. And we should give those the possibilityContinue readingNew Automation Services mailing list and newsgroup

New daily Mozmill test-runs for Firefox

For a long time, exactly since January 29th in 2010, the Mozilla QA team is running daily Mozmill tests to prove the functionality of Firefox and the update system across all supported platforms and release branches. With those tests we were able to find a couple of regressions, which then were fixed before the next release of Firefox. Given those results we have decided to extend our daily test-runs and not only run the functional and update tests, but also cover endurance tests, add-on tests, and the new remote tests.Continue readingNew daily Mozmill test-runs for Firefox

Mozmill Crowd 0.1.3 released

QA Automation Services is happy to announce that Mozmill Crowd 0.1.3 has been released. With this minor release Mozmill Crowd now got its own branding for the extension itself, and on AMO. Thanks goes to Tara Shahian and her team for their support in creating the icon. We think it looks brilliant. What do you think? With the hiding of the menu bar on Windows we also had to introduce some more launch points for the extension. Now you can not only reach it via the Tools menu, but alsoContinue readingMozmill Crowd 0.1.3 released

Mozmill-tests for Firefox 3.5.x turned off

As blogged by Release Engineering last week the Firefox 3.5 builds have been stopped. That means there are no more daily nightly builds available Mozilla QA will have to test with Mozmill. According to this action we also have turned off our daily test-runs for the latest Firefox 3.5.x builds on all platforms. At the same time the mozilla-1.9.1 branch of our mozmill-tests repository has been closed and as a good result, test failures which couldn’t be fixes due to limitations in Mozmill don’t exist anymore.

mozmill-tests repository changes due to new Firefox build channels

Today the builds for the new rapid release cycle have been pushed. With this change we have to update some of our automation tools and the way how we operate with the mozmill-tests repository. The following changes coming into effect by now: We have two new named branches: aurora for builds on the Aurora channel beta for builds on the Beta channel From now on new Mozmill tests will be first checked into the aurora branch. The reason is because we want to have our new tests stable, and thereContinue readingmozmill-tests repository changes due to new Firefox build channels

MozMill Crowd 0.1.2 released

The Mozilla QA Automation team proudly presents the next version of the MozMill Crowd extension which has been released today. With Mozmill Crowd 0.1.2 we now support the Endurance Tests, which have been used a lot in the last couple of weeks to find memory leaks in Firefox. Now as part of the crowd extension, those tests are as easy to execute as all the other supported test-runs. Only if you would like to run those tests with a given set of add-ons installed, you will have to run theContinue readingMozMill Crowd 0.1.2 released

Mozmill Crowd talk at FOSDEM 2011

A week ago I had the pleasure to attend the FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting) in Brussels. As every year Mozilla has been setup its own booth and also got assigned an own developer room for talks. I have used this opportunity to spread the word about our crowd-testing initiative with Mozmill Crowd. Thanks to the committee my talk also got approved and I was able to demonstrate our latest activities in-front of a couple of people. If you weren’t able to attend, you can checkContinue readingMozmill Crowd talk at FOSDEM 2011

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