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Author: Admin

Automation Development report – week 51/52 2013

Wow, somehow I totally missed to send out reports for our automation work. Most likely that happened because of the amount of work I had in the past couple of weeks. So for now lets do a final update before the title will be updated to ‘Firefox Automation report’ by the year 2014. Highlights We have released Mozmill 2.0.3 to fix a couple of issues (see dependencies on bug 950831 seen with Firefox Metro builds and our Firefox shutdown code. We pushed those changes together with the releases of mozmill-automationContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 51/52 2013

Automation Development report – week 49/50 2013

It’s getting closer to Christmas. So here the 2nd last automation development report for 2013. Also please note that all team members including myself, who were dedicated to Firefox Desktop automation, have been transitioned back from the A-Team into the Mozilla QA team. This will enable us to have a better relationship with QA feature owners, and get them trained for writing automated tests for Firefox. Therefor my posts will be named “Firefox Automation” in the future. Highlights With the latest release of Firefox 26.0 a couple of merges inContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 49/50 2013

Automation Development report – week 47/48 2013

This is again an overview about the highlights of our work in week 47 and 48 this year. Sorry for the delay of a couple of days but some critical work was holding me off from writing this post. Highlights Henrik and Dave were working on a couple of Mozmill-CI updates, which have been pushed to production. The first batch of features and bug fixes landed in week 47. It included the monitoring plugin for Jenkins, which hopefully will help us to figure out the reasons of Java crashes. AlsoContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 47/48 2013

Mozmill speed improvements after upgrading Python from 2.6 to 2.7.3

Yesterday we tried to upgrade our mozmill-ci cluster to the previously released Mozmill 2.0.1. Sadly we failed on the OS X 10.6 machines and had to revert this change. After some investigation I found out that incompatibility issues between Python 2.6 and 2.7.3 were causing this problem in mozprofile. Given the unclear status of Python 2.6 support in mozbase, and a talk in the #ateam IRC channel, I have been advised to upgrade those machines to Python 2.7. I did so after some testing, also because all other machines areContinue readingMozmill speed improvements after upgrading Python from 2.6 to 2.7.3

Automation Development report – week 45/46 2013

After the last report over a two week cycle, I have to follow-up with another one for the weeks 45 and 46. Due to my move I had limited availability and to fix some important other stuff. So hopefully this is the last report over a two weeks period in the near future. Highlights To be able to release Mozmill 2.0.1 as soon as possible Henrik had to fix a lot of existent bugs for mozprofile in conjunction with its add-on manager class. Those fixes were necessary because our restartContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 45/46 2013

Mozdownload 1.10 released

As of now we have released a new version of mozdownload. The 1.10 release contains a couple of new features, bug fixes, and absolutely to mention a suite of tests. A big thank you goes here to Johannes and Jarek. Both spend a lot of time again, to make it a successful and lesser bug prone release. Here some major items to highlight: Addition of tests for all types of scrapers and a lot for command line options Output of all candidate builds founds if build number has been specifiedContinue readingMozdownload 1.10 released

Automation Development report – week 43/44 2013

Given that I was partly away in the last two weeks I haven’t had the time to write another summary report of our work yet. So lets combine the last two weeks in a single blog post this time. Highlights To be able to continue our work to speed-up testruns in Mozmill CI Henrik upgraded our Mozmill-CI system to Jenkins 1.509.4. This step was necessary so that we can investigate the slowness in sending out emails for finished testruns, which could take up to 25 minutes! Beside that Henrik alsoContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 43/44 2013

Dresden Marathon 2013 (AOK 10km Lauf)

Letzten Sonntag war es wieder mal soweit. Der alljährliche Dresden Marathon inclusive Alternativstrecken (Halbmarathon und 10km-Lauf) fand statt. Auch ich war wieder mit dabei, musste mich aber jedoch schon vorab von meinem Ziel, einen Halbmarathon zu laufen, verabschieden. Aufgrund Zeitmangels in den letzten Monaten hatte ich nur ein einziges Mal die Chance, diese Distanz zu trainieren und hatte sie auch nur knapp verfehlt. Somit blieb für mich der 10km Lauf übrig. Immerhin die Möglichkeit meine Bestzeit vom letzten Jahr zu übertrumpfen? Die Tage zuvor waren grau mit teilweise Regen. DüstereContinue readingDresden Marathon 2013 (AOK 10km Lauf)

Automation Development report – week 42 2013

Highlights Henrik finally updated the current quarterly goals for our team. Please see our prioritized projects or check his blog post from today. We were surprised to see a bug for the httpd.js component fixed after more than a year, which drastically improved the execution time of our Mozmill tests. Given that we are still not able to upgrade our CI system to Mozmill 2.0, another release off the 1.5 branch had to go out. So we made Mozmill 1.5.24 available for everyone. With the help of IT, Henrik wasContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 42 2013

Automation Development team goals for Q4 2013

I know that I’m a bit late in publishing our Automation Development team goals for the last quarter this year. But better late than never. I think there are some very interesting tasks we want to tackle on over the course of the next three months. And we would invite everyone who has interest to join us, learn new stuff, and simply have fun with coding. Given that we are a part of the team aka the A-Team, we inherit some of the overall team goals for Q4 2013.Continue readingAutomation Development team goals for Q4 2013

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