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Tag: testing

Firefox Automation report – week 13/14 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 13 and 14. Highlights Finally we were able to upgrade our mozmill-ci production system to Mozmill 2.0.6. The only caveat is that we had to disable one test for cleaning history to prevent the always occurring Flash crash on Windows. This week Henrik was able to land the first fixes for broken TPS tests. Together with Andrei we were able to fix 4 of them. Also we had our first AutomationContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 13/14 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 11/12 2014

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 11 and 12. Highlights After Henrik got started on updating the TPS test framework for Firefox Sync tests, he got it into a state that it is working with the new Firefox Accounts feature coming with Firefox 29.0. For details please see bug 966434. Fixing the backward compatibility for the old Sync authentication is his next step. With the release of Mozmill 2.0.6 and the initial support of handling crashes, weContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 11/12 2014

Firefox Automation report – week 7/8 2014

The current work load is still affecting my time for getting out our automation status reports. The current updates are a bit old but still worth to mention. So lets get them out. Highlights As mentioned in my last report, we had issues with Mozmill on Windows while running our restart tests. So during a restart of Firefox, Mozmill wasn’t waiting long enough to detect that the old process is gone, so a new instance has been started immediately. Sadly that process failed with the profile already in use error.Continue readingFirefox Automation report – week 7/8 2014

Automation Development report – week 43/44 2013

Given that I was partly away in the last two weeks I haven’t had the time to write another summary report of our work yet. So lets combine the last two weeks in a single blog post this time. Highlights To be able to continue our work to speed-up testruns in Mozmill CI Henrik upgraded our Mozmill-CI system to Jenkins 1.509.4. This step was necessary so that we can investigate the slowness in sending out emails for finished testruns, which could take up to 25 minutes! Beside that Henrik alsoContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 43/44 2013

Automation Development report – week 41 2013

Similar to last week a couple members from our team were partly away last week given the return travels from the Mozilla Summit. So we have lesser announcements to make, except that we hopefully found a couple of new volunteers for test automation! Which would be fantastic. Highlights As of last week we got our new Mac Minis in SCL3 setup by IT. That means that we have expanded our Mozmill-CI to also run pulse triggered tests for all supported versions of Firefox on OS X 10.9. Since then 2Continue readingAutomation Development report – week 41 2013

Mozmill 1.5.24 released

As of yesterday we have released Mozmill 1.5.24. That release was a bit unexpected because we had already decided to not release another version of this branch. But we were able to include a bug fix, which let our tests run nearly twice that fast. And given that we cannot upgrade our Mozmill CI to version 2.0 yet, a quick 1.5 release provides us a huge performance win. The problem in detail was in the local HTTP server we make use of, which is httpd.js. In July 2012 I recognizedContinue readingMozmill 1.5.24 released

Automation Development report – week 39 2013

During the last week we did something phenomenal. As you might have heard, we were able to release Mozmill 2.0 to the world. After about 3 years of development it was one of our biggest milestones to finish off. But also lots of trouble with our Windows nodes in Mozmill-CI caused us a bit of headache, which we were able to finally get solved. For more details please read on… Hightlights As already announced by my blog post last week, we were able to finally release Mozmill 2.0. Since ourContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 39 2013

Double-check to disable Firefox Sync when doing a regression test to not loose important profile data

Yesterday I was doing a regression test for Firefox to determine the changeset which brought in a very annoying behavior into Aurora builds. Therefore I copied my profile to not destroy my original profile data, and was working on that copy. All was working fine and I was able to reduce the whole profile to only the sessionstore.js and prefs.js files. The evil awakening came today morning when I tried to log into a website via my personal profile. By surprise the user name and password hasn’t been filled inContinue readingDouble-check to disable Firefox Sync when doing a regression test to not loose important profile data

Mozmill 2.0 released!

Believe it or don’t believe it. But this announcement is for real! Really, you can trust me! If you still think it’s a joke I can say: even with the expected release of Mozmill 2.0 was like Duke Nukem Forever over the past 3 years, we finally finished all bits and got it released yesterday. Check it out yourself on pypi: So the whole process of working on a new release of Mozmill might have been started when we branched for the final 1.5 release, which was on AugContinue readingMozmill 2.0 released!

Automation Development report – week 35 2013

Our last week was again very productive, and a lot of smaller and larger tasks have been finished. We are getting closer to reach our quarterly goals. Our next big step is really to get the final version of Mozmill 2.0 out, and the Metro support finished. Then we can get started with implementing ui driven tests as requested by Mozilla QA. Hightlights With the combined work with our Softvision team and a couple of contributors we were able to release two versions of Mozmill in one go. See myContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 35 2013

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