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Month: July 2010

MozMill Crowd – The birth of global automated testing

Last Friday I had my presentation about the MozMill crowd extension. It was part of the breakout sessions during the Mozilla Summit 2010 in Whistler. For everyone who wasn’t able to make it to my presentation I have uploaded the slides to slideshare: MozMill Crowd – The birth of global automated testing View more presentations from Henrik Skupin. If you have further ideas or proposals you want to tell us about, please use the following EtherPad document. We would appreciate it. Update:I should mention that the extension is still underContinue readingMozMill Crowd – The birth of global automated testing

Hiking trip around Whistler

Before the Firefox Summit starts on Wednesday this week, Clint and I have decided to take 3 days off for vacation. We want to enjoy the stunning area around Whistler, which is about 100km in the north of Vancouver. British Columbia is really a beautiful area and absolutely invites you to have hiking or biking tours in the nature. Our first hiking tour yesterday was a short planned one. We bought a map of the whole area in the morning and decided which trip we wanted to do. Goal wasContinue readingHiking trip around Whistler

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