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Tag: Mac

Fix for increased file size when removing a PDF password on Mac OS

Over the last couple of months I received some password protected PDF files. While using this kind of protection is easy for casual users, I find it kinda annoying that it forces me to add a separate step to my process when storing these files without a password on my local disk. And here I noticed some quirks when doing that step on Mac OS. The easiest way to remove the password is clearly to use the Preview application, and to export / save the document as a new fileContinue readingFix for increased file size when removing a PDF password on Mac OS

Sharing Keyboard and Mouse between Mac’s with Teleport

Working on two or even more machines in parallel would require a KVM switch or just a neat software like Teleport which lets you share your keyboard and mouse simply over the network. One big advantage against Synergy is that this solution comes as a prefpane and embeds the configuration UI and the backend within one application. Further once a Mac has been enabled for sharing other Mac’s will automatically find it in the network. Anyone who has security concerns will be happy that the connection can be encrypted. AfterContinue readingSharing Keyboard and Mouse between Mac’s with Teleport

Minefield @123%

Apple seems to have some problems with the calculation of the cpu load for processes which really stress the cpu. Just open up several tabs with videos on YouTube and you will see how your cpu load will raise over 100%. Out of curiosity: Does Apple already has a patent in software-overclocking? Update: The activity monitor sums up all the cpu usage for any thread within an existing process. Means, depending on the amount of cpu’s or cores and the amount of threads for that process, the cpu load canContinue readingMinefield @123%

Reduzing PDF file size on OS X

Today I was searching for a tool which let me reduze the file size of saved pdf files. With the default installation of Leopard you will have a Quartz filter named “Reduze file size” for the “Save as” dialog in the Preview application. Using that filter results in a nearly unreadable pdf file. It shrinks the size too much so nearly nothing was readable, e.g. the 3MB grayscale image, which shows a paper with text, was reduced to only 32KB!!! Damn. Digging into searches gives me following interesting discussion onContinue readingReduzing PDF file size on OS X

WLAN with Zyxel router and OS X 10.5

Each time when I’ve visited my parents the last five times, I never got a WLAN connection working with my Macbook on OS X 10.5. That’s really bothersome when you are connected to a cable in a small room. Today I had some time to check why it only happens with my Macbook and not with any other computer with Windows installed. I found a helpful blog post which helped me a lot to solve the issue. As you can see the timeout problem was introduced with the upgrade toContinue readingWLAN with Zyxel router and OS X 10.5

Firefox 3 will be available soon…

Some hours ago Mozilla has advertised the release date for Firefox 3! So this wonderful piece of software will be official available on June 17th, 2008. Amazing work was done during the last three years which result in a huge list (approx. 15.000 of them) of new features and improvements. Deb Richardson has written a field guide for Firefox 3 which describes the most impressive ones in detail. Anyone who is interested in Firefox 3 should also pledge to download Firefox 3 by June 18th. It will help Mozilla inContinue readingFirefox 3 will be available soon…

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3 released

Last Friday Adobe released the third update of its Lightroom software. It’s free again for all registered users. Downloads are available for Mac OS X and Windows. With Lightroom 1.3 a bunch of known bugs were fixed. Photoshopservices gives a good overview about most of them. There is also a brand new Export dialog available. Under the hood it will offer a fantastic new feature. From now on developers can create export plug-ins which could export images directly to Flickr, Picasa, FTP hosts, or whatever you want. There is aContinue readingAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3 released

Videotutorial für Lightroom

Für die ersten Schritte in Lightroom stellte Galileo Design ein kostenloses Videotutorial online zur Verfügung. Mit 2:42h Spielzeit beleuchtet es alle wichtigen Elemente, um mit Lightroom effizient zu arbeiten und auch entsprechende Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Während im Shop von Adobe der Preis von Lightroom schon auf 296 EUR gesetzt wurde, ist das Software-Paket für Windows und Mac OS X bei Amazon noch für 186 EUR zu bekommen. Keine Ahnung, wann auch hier eine Preisanhebung stattfindet. Wer schnell ist, erhält es noch zum Einführungspreis.

Aktivierung von Filefault (oder auch nicht)

Wer gewisse Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nicht sofort nach der Installation von Mac OS X durchführt, hat später erstmal das Nachsehen. Je nachdem wie schnell sich die Platte füllt, bleibt weniger Platz für temporäre Dateien übrig, die wohl bei der Aktivierung von Filefault anfallen. Gestern hatte ich eigentlich vor, Filefault für mein Privat-Ordner zu aktivieren. Weit kam ich jedoch nicht. Die Software verkündete mir stolz: Liebe Herren von Apple, die Festplatte meines MacBooks hat gerade mal eine Größe von 120GB. Ok, es sind nur noch ca. 45GB frei, aber wozu in aller WeltContinue readingAktivierung von Filefault (oder auch nicht)

Mozilla Thunderbird 2

Mozilla wird in den nächsten Stunden offiziell den neuen Thunderbird 2 veröffentlichen. Momentan werden noch die letzten Bugs auf den Webseiten behoben und die Spiegelserver haben Zeit, die Downloadpakete zu synchronisieren. Aber dann ist es soweit. Die Arbeit von einem Jahr und drei Monaten seit der Veröffentlichung von Thunderbird 1.5 hat sich gelohnt. Es sind jede Menge neuer Funktionen enthalten und etliche Bugs gefixed. Alle Änderungen sind in den Versionshinweisen zu lesen.

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