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Tag: jenkins

Firefox Automation report – week 1/2 2014

I promised to keep up with our updates over the last week but given a major breakage in the freshly released version of Mozmill 2.0.4, I had a full week of work to get the fix out. I promise that during this week I will write reports for the weeks in January. Highlights With the new year our team has been reorganized and we are part of the Mozilla QA team again. That means we will have a way closer relationship to any feature owner, and also working towards inContinue readingFirefox Automation report – week 1/2 2014

Automation Development report – week 51/52 2013

Wow, somehow I totally missed to send out reports for our automation work. Most likely that happened because of the amount of work I had in the past couple of weeks. So for now lets do a final update before the title will be updated to ‘Firefox Automation report’ by the year 2014. Highlights We have released Mozmill 2.0.3 to fix a couple of issues (see dependencies on bug 950831 seen with Firefox Metro builds and our Firefox shutdown code. We pushed those changes together with the releases of mozmill-automationContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 51/52 2013

Automation Development report – week 47/48 2013

This is again an overview about the highlights of our work in week 47 and 48 this year. Sorry for the delay of a couple of days but some critical work was holding me off from writing this post. Highlights Henrik and Dave were working on a couple of Mozmill-CI updates, which have been pushed to production. The first batch of features and bug fixes landed in week 47. It included the monitoring plugin for Jenkins, which hopefully will help us to figure out the reasons of Java crashes. AlsoContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 47/48 2013

Automation Development report – week 36 2013

It looks like since everyone is back from the summer vacations we keep our productivity kinda high over the last couple of weeks. During the last week we finished again a couple of important tasks. Hightlights As announced in last weeks report we were going to upgrade our Mozmill continuous integration system to the latest LTS release of Jenkins. That task has been done now, after a full week of observation on our staging instance. Everything looked fine, so Henrik pushed the upgrade to production on Monday. Since then theContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 36 2013

Automation Development report – week 34 2013

Last week was a really productive week, when we look over the accomplished tasks. Across different test frameworks and tools we got a lot done. Especially the mozdownload project raises interests by even more people, who want to help with their own contribution. Thank you all who were involved! Highlights To appreciate all the hard work done by Johannes Vogel on the mozdownload project we promoted him to the reviewer status. With this recognition he is now able to help us driving this project forward with a faster pace byContinue readingAutomation Development report – week 34 2013

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